Experts find new evidence in submarine mystery

Experts find new evidence in submarine mystery — Researchers say they may have the final clues needed to solve the mystery of the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley, which never resurfaced after it became the first sub in history to sink an enemy warship, taking its eight-man crew to a watery grave. Scientists said Monday that the Hunley apparently was less than 20 feet away from the Housatonic when the crew ignited a torpedo that sank the Union blockade ship off South Carolina in 1864. That...

READ MORE - Experts find new evidence in submarine mystery

105-year-old woman renews driver’s license

105-year-old woman renews driver’s license - 105-year-old Edythe Kirchmaier recently renewed her California drivers license (Facebook)There apparently isn’t much that can slow down Edythe Kirchmaier. The 105-year-old California resident made headlines on Monday when she passed her driving test – continuing 86 years without a blemish on her driving record and maintaining her status as the state's oldest living driver. "I just couldn't imagine myself without a car," Kirchmaier told

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Are You Carrying the Redhead Gene?

Are You Carrying the Redhead Gene? - Some parents worry that their children will be born with a rare disease or a hidden genetic disorder. Other parents, however, wonder if their children will possess something more obvious: red hair. A British ancestry company, BritainsDNA, is now offering parents the chance to see if their children might inherit the so-called "ginger gene," the Telegraph reports. The test will scan each parent's DNA for signs of the so-called MC1R gene that causes redheadedness. "Through...

READ MORE - Are You Carrying the Redhead Gene?

The case for Barack Obama

The case for Barack Obama - Why voters should choose the Democratic ticket - So far, 35 of the 72 largest newspapers by circulation have endorsed President Obama's re-election. All but one also endorsed him in 2008. Here are some of the arguments they are making for why voters should choose the Democratic ticket: President Obama's first term was hardly perfect, argues The Washington Post, but he is still by far the superior choice. What the editorials said "Think back," said the Chicago...

READ MORE - The case for Barack Obama

Is Apple looking to disrupt the hybrid notebook market?

Is Apple looking to disrupt the hybrid notebook market? - A patent application from Apple published this month details a notebook computer with a detachable tablet touch screen. Discovered by Patently Apple, application 250673, which was initially filed in September 2011 with the US Patent and Trademark Office, but was only made public on April 4 this year, describes a device very similar to the convertible notebooks and hybrid portable computers that have been launching on the market in recent...

READ MORE - Is Apple looking to disrupt the hybrid notebook market?

Can Obama Make History on Immigration?

Can Obama Make History on Immigration? - This is actually happening. That’s the viewpoint of Capitol Hill aides, lobbyists, advocates, and politicians who have been involved in the immigration debate for 10, 20, and in some cases 30 years. They are psyched. They are scared. They are sober. They miss the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., who has been at the forefront of every immigration law since 1965. They are grateful for Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who has spurred a new way of thinking about...

READ MORE - Can Obama Make History on Immigration?

Jewish and Muslim presumed consent worries

Wales could have an opt-out organ donation system by 2015 Organ donation: Jewish and Muslim presumed consent worries - Plans to introduce presumed consent organ donation in Wales face opposition from within the Jewish and Muslim communities. Some members of both religions have concerns about Welsh government proposals to create the UK's first opt-out donor system. It would mean everyone is deemed to be a willing organ donor when they die, unless they have stated otherwise. The Welsh...

READ MORE - Jewish and Muslim presumed consent worries